Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A weekend with our roots

We spent this past weekend in Nauvoo, Illinois. The last time we visited Nauvoo was with Josh's parents and three of his siblings. I was about eight minutes pregnant with my first baby, and sicker than anyone really ever should be. My memories of that trip are somewhat hazy - mostly images of me throwing up on pretty much every square inch of Nauvoo (and the road we took to get there). In fact, I am quite certain that Josh's sister, Marta, will probably never want children due to her experiences in the backseat of our car on that trip (and several others that I won't mention here involving stinky diapers and desecrating national historical landmarks, ahem). Let's just say, it was not a great trip.

This time around, it was completely different. Seeing Nauvoo through my kids' eyes was like seeing it for the first time. There were so many fun things to do. We tried on the costumes. We learned how they made wagon wheels. We toured the bakery, the schoolhouse, and the printing press. We cried at the pageant. We saw the Temple. It was so serene, so peaceful to be away from the real world. The Husband was even brave enough to leave the computer and palm pilot at home (although he regretted it after the kids were asleep and he was dreaming of plasma TVs).

Were it not for the heat - GOOD GRACIOUS THE HEAT - I would never have come home. I turned to The Husband at one point during the weekend, wiped a gallon of sweat from my brow, and said, "Sheesh, it is so much hotter up here than where we are." He ever-so-coolly replied, "Um, noooo, you're just always either at the pool or inside with air conditioning. It IS this hot where we live."

He might be right.

The only other thing lacking was a decent place to eat. For lunch, we waited in line for about 50 minutes at a local bakery, only to be disappointed with wonder bread-style sandwiches. Dinner wasn't much better. Our hotel restaurant offered a giant buffet, which had my kids salivating like wild dogs, upon sight of it. It left much to be desired, trust me. I was so sick all night after that meal. I guess it's just not a trip to Nauvoo for me without a giant bottle of Tums. At least this time around, I wasn't pregnant.

All in all, some quality family time and a chance to show the kids a little bit of their history. We'll definitely be back.


  1. 8 minutes pregnant? So it could be a possibility that McKay was conceived on a family trip to Nauvoo? Wow, that's tacky.

  2. i'm so glad you had a fun time!! your kids love history, i can't think of a better place.

    honestly, you've shown me the motherhood ropes, sista. me and dan are still talking about what a cute mom you are, your kids are angels and so so fun. i want a life like yours. (sans the scrambled eggs vomit.) hee hee.

    looks like you are making the most of your new neighborhood!

  3. I'm so jealous! One of these years we will get our family out there to visit Nauvoo. It sounds like you had a great time! Loved the pics!

  4. I bet your kids were totally into the pioneer days...guns, hats, man-power, bonnets. I predict a trek in your future.....

  5. Again! I have stolen Marta's identity on every comment I've left tonight. The above was Oma.

  6. Dan, you know me, Klassy is my middle name...

  7. Nauvoo?? IN THE SUMMER!? You are MUCH braver than I. But such fun was had and all those pictures are great! I hope to make it there someday. Only it will be in January. :-)

  8. Everytime I think it's hot in Utah I have to remember how lucky I am that it's NOT hot AND humid! I also like how you refer to your husband as THE HUSBAND. Sounds like fun!

  9. Way to brave the elements and soak up some history. I'm with ya--pool or a/c, there's no middle ground. Glad this trip wasn't so "colorful" as when you were 8 minutes pregnant. Also, everyone looks adorable in the period costumes, but I think the bonnets rule!

  10. Eight minutes pregnant....wow! Good Gracious-I love reading your blog, it is really a bright spot in my day! I'm glad you survived the heat and humidity. We just thought people moved away for the summer. No one goes outside in this weather except for the occasional die hard who is training for a marathon or something. You just know he's going to end up on the 5:00 news as the latest casualty.

    How fun to visit Nauvoo...we'll have to check the weather and make that trek ourselves sometime. Sure do love you guys!

  11. i'm so jealous...i have always wanted a fun trip to nauvoo. we will come and see it with you..please no puking, k?

  12. I just LOVE Nauvoo. We used to live in Cedar Rapids, IA and went all the time. I miss being so close. We haven't been since right before the temple was finished. I'll have to take my kids here in the next year or two. What a FUN trip!!!
