Monday, July 9, 2007

A little bit of this...a little bit of that

Some random weirdness:
  1. Milk is about $4.85 PER GALLON here in the Midwest. That's right, I said per gallon. I paid less than that for two gallons in San Diego (which is the mother of all expensive cities). That means we are spending at least $20 PER WEEK on milk. Seriously. What do all of you pay for a gallon of milk? Why, what with all the free space out here, do we pay so much for milk? Could they not throw some cows in the empty fields and save us all a few dollars? Does the milk come from little precious cows eating truffle oil omelets and sipping Evian with their pinkies in the air? Please tell me there is some good reason why I am paying so much for the milk. Otherwise, the children might be asked to stop growing so their little bones don't need so much calcium. Either that I have to give up the diet coke. And that just ain't happening.

  2. If I have tried to call your house in the last five days, it really is me. Not Dupgya Samenieni like the caller ID says. Hopefully the phone company got it all straightened out. That's what they tell me anyway. Sure, they have been wrong before. But like always, I believe them THIS time.

  3. Whoever invented wallpaper should be tied to the nearest tree and jabbed repeatedly with a pointy stick. Or at least whoever puts it in the homes that I purchase ought to be. WHY, WHY, WHY would you put up wallpaper? I think if you have ever had to remove it, you never, ever put it up. I will have pictures coming of the master bathroom (where I removed the bedeviled wallpaper) once I get it all painted. My poor fingers are just too ragged tonight from the removal that took way more time than it should have. (And yes, I was even using the paper tiger. Ugh.)

  4. We had a huge thunderstorm blow in this afternoon. It was pretty impressive. Having spent the last year living in the coastal desert where it rains like once every five years, it's been a while since I've seen rain like that. I was pretty entertained. The children were extremely frightened (which added slightly to my entertainment).

  5. And have you seen THIS blog? If you haven't done so yet, get yourself right on over there and take a look at her latest recipe. I have six words for you...peach crisp with maple cream sauce. Oh my heavens. YUM.


  1. what's up with the cow shortage in the mid-west?! we can easily get two gallons of milk for that price here. Ugh. And yes, wallpaper is in the same category for me as large, inflatable put in your front yard to annoy your neighbor nativities, and "baby on board" signs in mini-vans. that only makes me want to tailgate you even more!

  2. I love wallpaper! I've never taken it down, however, (mostly because I always loved it.)

  3. I think you are mistaken... San Diego is NOT the mother of all expensive cities! It is, however, the daughter of one of the most expensive states! *sigh* And that is wicked crazy that the milk costs more than gas! Wowza. *B

  4. Three words for you: Wall Paper Remover. As in, a professional hired person. Money well spent. We do our own painting, heck, husband does our electrical and plumbing and even framed out our basement! But two things we hire out. Wall paper removal and drywalling.

    And the milk, o my word! We pay $3-something here.

  5. Why is milk so expensive? Aren't COWS from the midwest?

    Good grief!! How much is organic? I don't even want to know.

    p.s. Also HATE wallpaper. Have removal job waiting for me at home. Ugh. Let me know how it goes :-)

  6. I'm with you here on the wallpaper removal. The only thing more annoying is when the people before you PAINT OVER the wallpaper (and who are they can still see the seams) thereby creating an even more enraging chore.

    Thanks for the link to the Pioneer Woman. So great! My thighs, however, are not thanking you quite so much.

  7. Maybe your milk is so much more expensive because midwest cows just aren't as Happy as California Cows! You know the saying, "Happy Cows come from California."

  8. too bad you're already not in san diego anymore...we need a big family event so we can see all the cousins again. maybe i'll get married, but only if you promise to come.

  9. When someone eventually buys the home my folks have lived in since I was born, they will be CURSING us. Y'see, my bedroom has about five layers of wallpaper that we plastered on top of each other, each with engaging 70s and 80s themes. Simply breathtaking.

  10. I think there must be something to that "sad cow" theory...we pay a lot more for milk here too. Plus...we have a huge food tax on top of that! My bones are going to break, my nails will have to be done at home, my hair is going to have to grow long and parted down the middle (just like in the 70's), and... no one here believes I had got full service yard care (including fertilizing, weeding, edging, and mowing) for $70 a month. I say we blame it on the sad cows!

  11. Someone told me that the price of milk is going up because they are now using corn for fuel. I suppose the higher ups will say there is a CORN shortage now and it costs too much to feed the cows so they have to raise the price of milk.

  12. If I remember correctly, one of your younger brothers called you "Dupgya" once after you had been tormenting him.

  13. My sister in law lives in Iowa and she has commented to me before how expensive the milk in there is. On a good sale I can get two gallons for $4, but usually it is $3.29 a gallon. What is gas like there? Sheesh.

    I have to agree with you on the wallpaper. I am all about paint and framing a poster if you want some flowers on your wall!

    Glad to hear that you are setting in and meeting the neighbors. The water park sounds wonderful....
