Friday, April 20, 2007

One more thing...

Because one cannot POSSIBLY expect to end such a bad day like today on a good note:

Hannah's hair caught fire when she was blowing out her birthday candles.

Yes, you read that right. She was leaning over her cake and a stray section of hair fell into a still-lit candle. Josh and I both immediately started smacking her in the face to put out the fire. Which did not help her less-than-peaceful state of mind at the moment.

She is fine, didn't lose too much hair, and did not get burned (thank goodness!) She summed it up best (through her tears) when she said, "I HATE days like today."

Amen, little sister, amen.


  1. I hope her wish comes true after all that! What a day!

  2. So pleased your daughter is okay and her comments "I HATE days like today".

    So wonderful indeed from one so young!! A talented young lady.

    I do hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Give her a hug from us. And after she (and you) worked so hard to grow out those bangs!

  4. You MUST be joking!??!?!?

    I pray that your weekend goes better!

  5. A great way for her to always remember her fifth birthday. the year her hair was ablaze. Oh my.

  6. This sounds so much like something that would happen in our house...tell Hannah she needs to come live in our world!
