Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mating in the Lord's House?

Said by Chase in the middle of church today after he pulled two small, plastic frogs out of his shirt pocket:

"Mom, see these frogs? This one is a male; this one is a female. This is how they mate. The male gets on top of the female like this..."

"Uh, that's great, Chase. I just don't know if this is the best time for that. Let's put the frogs'kay?"

"But it's what THEY DO!"

"Yes, I'm sure it's what they do; they just don't do it in church."


  1. birds do it...bees do it...even frogs do church?

  2. Awesome, awkward things said at church are the best. Yesterday Matthew's teacher brought him to me to go to the bathroom. He was telling her he was "Ace, the bat dog" and insisting he needed to go outside to pee on the grass because that's what dogs do. She was a bit confused. Ha Ha. The few incidents of "nature pee" out visiting you guys have given him a new outlook. Now that he knows it's an option he won't let go of the idea!

  3. At least Norman wasn't mating in the middle of the sacrament!

  4. Your son's enthusiasm for his knowledge - is somewhat 'clouded' by the reverance of location.

    A wonderful post - as always.

  5. Love it. Too bad it wasn't in the middle of primary so he could explain what 'mating' meant to all the little kids.

  6. love that froghunter! xox grandma

  7. He doesn't realize that he is telling you he is too old for toys at church.

    In the Midwest, there are a lot more frogs.


    at least he wasn't playing with barbie and ken.
