I wish I...
- didn't love food so much.
- could be in an exotic destination, right this minute. (Oh, wait, kinda am. I guess I wish I was on vacation somewhere exotic)
- had a maid.
- wasn't so hard on myself.
- could remember everything I read.
- had more time to read.
- could always ensure my kids were safe.
- had better skin and no freckles.
- didn't like t.v. so much.
- was a better cook.
- could just be content with my body as-is.
- could write a novel.
- was more kind.
- could travel and see the world with my family.
- had fresh flowers in my house every day.
- could talk to my grandpa who died when I was nine.
- had a personal stylist to blow-dry my hair every morning.
- could scrapbook all the time.
Your turn - what do you wish for?
What's wrong with Freckles?
ReplyDeleteI too have always longed to know Ted.
Nothing is wrong with freckles...if you're a 13-year-old girl, that is. Or a 30-something younger brother of mine. Then they're great.
ReplyDeleteI think Ted would have gotten a kick out of seeing all of us and he would have especially enjoyed yelling at our kids to "Settle down." I miss him.
I'm glad you did this...always good to see someone's wishes. Maybe we can help each other make some come true. Fairy godmother/friends.
ReplyDeletei love your list! I can definitely identify with each of the wishes. I guess the one thing I would add is I wish Jeff didn't have to work, so he could stay home all day and play with me and the kids... which would lead to my next wish, I wish I could be on a continual, never ending vacation with my friends and family. Lots of fun, no responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteI like this idea! I might steal it. For now, I'll answer here. I'm with you on loving food so much, wanting a maid, not liking t.v. so much, and wanting to be content with my body. I also wish I liked to exercise and had more self-control and could GET OFF THE POOTER!
ReplyDeleteI wish Ted were around now too. I think he would be PROUD, PROUD, PROUD!!!! of all of you. He would be tickled pink with his namesake, since he is all boy .