Monday, March 26, 2007


Forgive the close-up of my ugly, disturbingly hobbit-like feet, but I had to share my pain. See the toe right next to the baby one? I think I broke it. I was stepping over a big, plastic box and slammed my foot into it really hard. It really hurts and has made wearing anything resembling shoes very painful. Nice Monday, no? Here's hoping the rest of the week goes better.


  1. Eek. Looks painful.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I do hope that it's not broken, let's hope it is just badly bruised instead.

    A painful reminder of a similar incident I had - only I was attempting to surf (don't ask) - when my toe looked like yours - after x-ray it was just badly bruised.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  3. After I broke my little toe it stayed crooked and strange forever.

  4. Is this the same poor toes you broke before, or are you going for a matched set? OUCH!!! Sorry...Love Mom

  5. ...and right at the height of sandal season!!!
